Soth Development is a small Icelandic shareware development group founded by two Icelandic mac-users, Sveinbjorn Thordarson & Thorlindur Thorolfsson early '96. We at Soth Development are proud to present to you our first "functional" game: Brickoids 1.0.
Soth Development Projects
Our only game so far is Brickoids, a remake of the old classic, Brickles, that we missed a lot. For further information see
Future Soth Projects
You may expect any of these games to be completed in the near future:
The Awakening: This computer game is Soth Development's Nr. 1 project at the moment. This is a 2-dimensional fantasy role-play game. It offers huge labyrinths, dungeons and lost valleys to explore, monsters and evil arch-villains to figh and huge treasures to be looted and spent.
The Thief: A live action development game where you command a band of ruffians in an attempt to control organized crime in a city. The game has stunning graphics and wonderful playability. Don´t miss it!
Soth Development can be contacted in the following ways:
See our homepage on the Net:
Contact us through E-mail:
Send us Snail Mail (We´d really like that!) to this adress: